leaflet.extras - Extra Functionality for 'leaflet' Package
The 'leaflet' JavaScript library provides many plugins some of which are available in the core 'leaflet' package, but there are many more. It is not possible to support them all in the core 'leaflet' package. This package serves as an add-on to the 'leaflet' package by providing extra functionality via 'leaflet' plugins.
Last updated 2 months ago
13.26 score 217 stars 25 dependents 2.5k scripts 11k downloadsleaflet.extras2 - Extra Functionality for 'leaflet' Package
Several 'leaflet' plugins are integrated, which are available as extension to the 'leaflet' package.
Last updated 9 days ago
9.70 score 87 stars 1 dependents 432 scripts 3.0k downloadswidgetframe - 'Htmlwidgets' in Responsive 'iframes'
Provides two functions 'frameableWidget()', and 'frameWidget()'. The 'frameableWidget()' is used to add extra code to a 'htmlwidget' which allows is to be rendered correctly inside a responsive 'iframe'. The 'frameWidget()' is a 'htmlwidget' which displays content of another 'htmlwidget' inside a responsive 'iframe'. These functions allow for easier embedding of 'htmlwidgets' in content management systems such as 'wordpress', 'blogger' etc. They also allow for separation of widget content from main HTML content where CSS of the main HTML could interfere with the widget.
Last updated 3 years ago
9.21 score 69 stars 1 dependents 892 scripts 2.9k downloadsleaflet.esri - 'ESRI' Bindings for the 'leaflet' Package
An add-on package to the 'leaflet' package, which provides bindings for 'ESRI' services. This package allows a user to add 'ESRI' provided services such as 'MapService', 'ImageMapService', 'TiledMapService' etc. to a 'leaflet' map.
Last updated 3 years ago
6.28 score 36 stars 106 scripts 330 downloadswindfarmGA - Genetic Algorithm for Wind Farm Layout Optimization
The genetic algorithm is designed to optimize wind farms of any shape. It requires a predefined amount of turbines, a unified rotor radius and an average wind speed value for each incoming wind direction. A terrain effect model can be included that downloads an 'SRTM' elevation model and loads a Corine Land Cover raster to approximate surface roughness.
Last updated 2 months ago
5.06 score 27 stars 17 scripts 318 downloadsdaterangepicker - Create a Shiny Date-Range Input
A Shiny Input for date-ranges, which pops up two calendars for selecting dates, times, or predefined ranges like "Last 30 Days". It wraps the JavaScript library 'daterangepicker' which is available at <https://www.daterangepicker.com>.
Last updated 2 years ago
4.61 score 15 stars 1 dependents 18 scripts 480 downloads